Use a key with the same security
The great advantage of master and master key locking systems is that you can open and close an entire lock system using a single master key, while each lock can be opened and closed with a different key.
How the master key system works in practice
In the example above, the "Master Key" opens all doors and locks on the property and is held by the caretaker or some kind of manager. Sub-keeper A opens the main entrance and all locks on the ground floor and is used by the manager of the company occupying the upstairs. The same applies to sub-master B.
In addition, each employee has a key to open the main entrance, their own office door and the filing cabinet. These keys work with different types of locks, e.g. door locks, locker locks, padlocks, etc., as long as the cylinder inside is of the same type.

Master key system
The Master Key opens each lock insert, while each lock insert has its own key.

Control key system
Minden zárnak van egyedi saját kulcsa, de „szintenként” vann csoportkulcs és van egy főkulcs.
Locking systems
Safety and comfort
In the case of lock systems, security is perhaps even higher than for normal locks, because lock systems can only be assembled from high-quality, high-security locks and their corresponding keys.
Identical closure systems
All lock inserts, padlocks and lockers can be opened with a single key.
Master key system
The master key is the "all-powerful" key that opens all lock inserts, but each lock insert also has its own key.
Control key system
Each lock has its own key that only opens the lock insert. In addition to this, there are one or more group keys which open the respective lock groups and a master key which opens all locks.
Central locking system
The master key can only be used to open shared rooms, whether they are the front door or a common corridor. All other locks are opened by an individual key.
Master and master key locking systems
Who we recommend, where we use master key systems
Private property
Master key or key-operated locking systems are not primarily preferred in private properties, but more and more such solutions are available. They are primarily useful for larger detached houses where there is access to the living area from more than one location, or where there are outbuildings that are locked separately. In these cases the master key system is preferable because we are talking about small locking systems. Master key locking systems are limited in size, but for private properties they can be the perfect solution to replace large key bunch systems.
Office buildings, business properties
Egyértelműen a fenti példában már megmutatott vezérkulcsos zárrendszert ajánljuk. A lényege, hogy a vezetők, a biztonsági személyzet egyetlen kulccsal több zárat tud nyitni – beleértve akár az egyszerű fiókzárakat is -, ám fontos tudni, hogy a wezérkulcs zárrendszert nagyon alaposan meg kell tervezni, mert az utólagos módosítás bonyolult és költséges.
A társasházak esetében – méretüktől függően – főkulcsos és vezérkulcsos zárrendszerek is kialakíthatók. Kisebb társasház esetén a főkulcsos zárrendszer elegendő, míg nagyobb lakoközösségek esetén már a vezérkulcsos rendszert kell alkalmazni. Társasházak esetén még szóba jöhet a központi záras zárrendszer is, ahol a lakók egyetlen kulccsal nyitják a főbejáratot és a közös helyiségeket, míg egyedi kulccsal nyithatóak a lakóterek, postaládák, garázsok.
Hotels, pensions, accommodation
A Vezérkulcsos zárrendszer talán itt a leghatékonyabb és a legelterjedtebb. Hiszen az elzárt terekbe – szobákba – szinte minden esetben be kell, hogy jusson több ember, legyen szó szállóvendégről, vagy a személyzetről. Nagyon alapos tervezést igényel, de a tervezést követően kiderül mennyire költséghatékony, hiszen jelentősen kevesebb kulcsot kell elkészíteni. Ráadásul első sorban a munkafolyamatokat nagyon meggyorsítja. gondoljon bele egy tizenöt szobás létesítménynél mennyi időt vesz el a takarító személyzet munkaidejéből, csak a megfelelő kulcs megkeresése a megfelelő zárhoz.
Master key system
Get everywhere with a key
The master key system is a key scheme in which selected keys can open a number of predefined doors. These are the master keys.
The master key system provides quick access to all rooms, for example for security staff and drivers. This is not only convenient, but can also save lives in an emergency.
Locking systems
No more keychains, one key is enough!
Single-key locking systems, which are called master or control key systems, are therefore useful, reliable and not to be neglected. They are cost effective!
But it should be stressed that before using them, it is very important to plan them accurately and precisely. We need to know exactly who can open what and who cannot. The more complex a system is, the more secure it becomes, but at the same time the possibility of expansion and reorganisation is reduced. For this reason, you should always seek the advice of a specialist who should be involved in the design of the master and master key locking systems, not just the implementation.